
Showing posts from June, 2019

Got PTSD? (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Gangguan Stres Pasca Trauma)

Uh, I'm currently working but I thought I might give a few minutes to write this. Today's the first few days at work after Ied Mubarak so... Sebagai penderita PTSD, banyak yang berubah sejak sebelum dan sesudah menderita PTSD. Menurut National Institute of Mental Health, gangguan stres pasca trauma/ post traumatic stress disorder adalah gangguan yang muncul setelah mengalami peristiwa yang mengejutkan, menakutkan, atau berbahaya. Tapiii, gak semua orang yang mengalami peristiwa tersebut termasuk dalam kategori penderita PTSD. Ada beberapa syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar bisa dikategorikan sebagai penderita PTSD, seseorang harus mengalami 4 hal ini dalam waktu satu bulan: 1. Setidaknya satu gejala re-experiencing (mengalami ulang) 2. Setidaknya satu  gejala avoidance (menghindar) 3. Setidaknya dua gejala arousal and reactivity (menggugah dan reaktivitas) 4. Setidaknya dua gejala cognition and mood (kesadaran dan suasana hati) ???? what are those you might ask? We...

High Hopes

Hi! I'm actually in Bogor right now, on the phone with one of my close friends, and everything feels really peaceful. I need to take a train to Semarang at 6 p.m. and tbh I kinda miss working too I'm still fighting my PTSD tho, and making great progress! Some triggers don't even affect me anymore, my panic attacks are getting more bearable, and I hope I'll be fine when I finally move to CH, fingers crossed! The last panic attack was 2 days ago, but other than not being able to sleep (I eventually slept at 2 a.m.) and increasing heartbeat, everything is still controllable. I will not continue working in July, so I think I need to plan some stuff while I'm still in Indonesia... I was thinking of learning French, and also Muaythai, oh and hopefully learn to cook! That would be exciting! But as for now, I'm still working on papers and stuff, pretty cool tho, I learned a lot of new stuff every day while maintaining my mental health's stability So y...