
It was Sunday. I was having a rough time at the moment. I got a lot of things going on in my mind, several options, just basically, things that would take my life to one way or another.
Sounds pretty terrifying, doesn't it?
And it gets worse. I only have several months to decide. Hold up, if you think several months is a long time, think again. Several months will lead me to either A or Z. Each one has their own consequences that I have to bear for the rest of my life.
Anyway, the preach was amazing.

Luke 5:1-11
This passage tells about how Jesus chose His disciples. Kind of funny, y'know, how Simon didn't actually want to do what he was told to but ended up doing it.
But if you think about this, Simon is actually us, the rebel, that sometimes tend to think that God doesn't really know what He's doing. Also think that we know better because, well, we're the one that's been doing everything up to this day and we already know what will happen next, because we've tried that before.
So, when Jesus told him to put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch, Simon simply answered Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."
Seems odd right? Not obeying Jesus? But Simon had his own reasons and pretty logical too:
1. Jesus didn't know a thing about catching fish. He's a Son of a carpenter, duh.
2. It's noon, ladies and gents. No fish.
3. They've tried that before. It's not gonna magically appear all of a sudden, right?
I must admit, I also use my logical thinking most of the time, making me pessimistic on how God will work through my situation.

Later on, Simon did obey and get the fish, but his net was about to rip, his ship was about to sink. (Luke 5:6-7). That's because he didn't fully trust His plan.
If we look at John 21:1-14, it's actually pretty similar to Luke 5:1-11. Only this time, Simon (or Peter) didn't hesitate and obey Him right away. Voila! John 21:11 "So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn."

Indeed, it's kind of unnecessary to go back and try what we've tried before. But God is trying to train our faith through it. God could easily give what we want right away, but instead, He wants us to trust His plans, even it seems impossible because He's God Almighty. 

Epanago. Return.
Even if it seems impossible, even if we've tried that before, even if it's exhausting, even if it seems useless.
Return, for His plans, are way above our plans.

Therefore, I will fully trust on His plans. I still don't know what to choose, but I know even if I have to go through hardships, He'll be there.




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