
Showing posts from June, 2020

Melawan PTSD

Finally gonna continue this kind of a series lol Hai! Sekarang aku pengangguran (BOOO!) jadi banyak waktu buat nulis blog deh Sekarang lagi sibuk ngurus buat ke CH, sebenernya banyakan browsing gitu, gak begitu nyita tenaga. So, as I said before, PTSD had taken over my life and I needed to get out *  just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta hereeee*    gurl we be in ch for almost a year now get a grip lmao that's how much i procrastinate. Hal-hal yang membuat aku bisa pulih dan lanjut nulis laporan setelah 2 minggu keluar dari RS: 1. Obat dan Psikiater Fridep and Clobazam were my baes! Mungkin setelah minum obat rasanya agak lebih tenang gitu, terus pikiran-pikiran anehnya bisa teredam. Cons: bikin ngantuk. Susah juga ngerjain laporan kalo habis minum obat. Aku minum obat selama sekitar 4-5 bulan intens, terus coba-coba buat gak minum rutin. Syukurlah hari ini aku sudah bisa lepas dari obat-obat itu. Sempet terakhir minum obat beberapa sebulan/dua bulan yang...

2020 is wack

Salut! as you may know right now, 2020 is basically a disaster. We're in the middle of this pandemic called COVID19 and I mean, I know it means that im a part of a big historical event but MAN this sucks. I just started my master (not really, but yknow i was so hyped for spring and summer) et VOILA! i couldnt go anywhere. Ok not that i hate it tho. It's actually pretty convenient for me as well, i didn't get to see too many ppl, which is quite nice, but it's getting boring and i think one time i got so sick of it. Mais maintenant je pense tout le monde s'est adapté au 'new normal'. if you're here with me in vaud, i bet you've seen this literally EVERYWHERE (cr: )  well, summer's approaching, people demand their holiday. Since we've been doing this lockdown since march 19th, people stopped being worried too much and i barely see anyone with masks these days. I went to th...